Keller Williams Realty Coeur D'Alene/Sandpoint - Charlene Matheson

Charlene Matheson | Elevating Your Real Estate Experience

Elevating Your Real Estate Experience

If you’re in search of luxury or a serene piece of Idaho heaven, you’ve come to the right place. Idaho is the fastest-growing state by population, with Coeur d’Alene ranking as the third fastest-growing city. North Idaho beckons visitors and new residents from across the globe with its stunning lakes, mountains, rivers, breathtaking views, sunsets, and an abundance of year-round outdoor activities. The region thrives on healthcare, lumber, manufacturing, and tourism. Whether you’re considering relocating or acquiring a second home in this paradise, you’ll be captivated and eager to call it your own.

At Keller Williams Realty Coeur d’Alene | Sandpoint, we understand the unique needs of each client, fostering community and helping you discover your perfect slice of Idaho. Our success is built on a robust local economy, cutting-edge marketing strategies, and, most importantly, our exceptional team of Agents.

Hayden Lake

Waterfront Property in North Idaho

JoanBudai/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Keller Williams Agents are committed to excellence, innovation, and the highest standards of honesty and integrity in every transaction.

As a professional who is courteous, high-energy, team-oriented, and collaborative, I bring over three decades of Excise Tax consulting experience. This background has honed my ability to listen attentively and navigate the intricacies of the real estate process with creativity and perseverance.
My dedication to championing excellence, maintaining integrity, and conducting business with a touch of humor ensures a memorable and positive Real Estate experience for you.

Let me guide you through a delightful journey to find your dream property in Idaho’s northern counties. With Keller Williams CDA’s resources and my personal commitment, your real estate aspirations are within reach. Discover why you’ll love calling Idaho home.

I encourage you to explore further and connect with me to access the latest real estate data and find homes throughout the Western U.S.

Please reach out so I can learn more about you and your real estate dreams.

Let’s harness the POWER of Keller Williams CDA to fulfill your needs.

Charlene Matheson
Lizenznummer: SP47025

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Contact Charlene Matheson

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